Forms and instructions

You may notice we've turned some of our form instructions into webpages and rewritten them for plain language.

Web instructions are more accessible, easier to understand, and easier to navigate. You can:

As you use these new instructions, complete our survey to let us know what you think.

If you find you still prefer to print your instructions, you can. Use the Printer-friendly PDF link at the top of the instructions to save or print.

Important note: Some of the forms and instructions on this Web site do not reflect recent changes in Tax Department services and contact information. Please see Form TP-64, Notice to Taxpayers Requesting Information or Assistance from the Tax Department, for updated information if you are using any documents not revised since December, 2010.

Find the forms you need - Choose Current year forms or Past year forms, and select By form number or By tax type.

Most commonly viewed tax types - Find current year forms by selecting from the list below:

We comply with the state law that requires agencies to post all application forms for general public use on their Web sites. See our numerical list of forms.

Updated: November 9, 2023

Department of Taxation and Finance

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