Note: The syllabus of Science and Mathematics will be upto grade 10 of CBSE syllabus.

Section – II

Sr No. Physics Mathematics
01 Physical world and measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power. Newtons laws and applications, circular motion. Sets, Relations and Functions -
Set, Relations and Functions trigonometric functions.
Algebra - Principle of Mathematical induction, complex numbers and quadratic equations, linear inequalities, permutation and combinations, binomial theory, sequence and series, Matrices, determinants.
Vector And Three Dimensional
Geometry - Vectors, and three dimensional geometry
Liner Programming
02 Motion of System of particles and rigid body, gravitation, Property of Bulk Matter, thermodynamics, behavior of perfect gas and kinetic theory, Oscillation and Waves. Coordinate Geometry - Straight lines, conic section, introduction to three-dimensional geometry.
Calculus - Limits and derivatives, Continuity and differentiability, Applications and derivatives, Integrals, applications of the integrals, differential equations.
03 Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects of current and magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and alternating currents, Electromagnetic Waves. Mathematical Reasoning
Probability - Statistics, Probability. Mathematical Simplification, Ratio and Proportion, Algebric Identities, Linear Equations and Polynomials, Simultaneous Equations, Basic Trigonometry
04 Optics, Dual Nature of matter and radiation, Atom and Nuclei Relations And Functions - Relations and Functions, inverse trigonometric functions. Simple Mensuration, Geometry, Measures of Central Tendency (Average, Median and Mode
05 Electronic devices, Communicating systems

Note:-The syllabus of Physics and Mathematics will be of grade 11 & 12 of CBSE syllabus.

Medical Standards

Medical examination will be conducted by authorized Military Doctors as per medical standard prescribed under current regulations applicable to the EP of Indian Coast Guard on entry. The detailed guidelines for medical standards are laid down in CG Order 26/2002 and 04/2013. Physical traits include minimum height of 157 cm with proportionate body weight, depending on the age and height of the candidate. He should also have proportionate chest with minimum expansion capability of 05 cms. Candidate should possess good mental and physical health, should be free from any disease/ disability and have no cardio-vascular disease, surgical deformities like Knock-Knees, Flat-Foot. Candidate should not have a past history of fits or psychiatric ailments, Varicose-veins etc. He should not have any type of infection in the ears. Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth before appearing for the written test, which is followed by PFT and Medical examination. Candidate should possess Colour perception standard of CP II and Eyes Visual standards should meet the under mentioned prescribed standards for both the conditions that is with glasses and without glasses.

Visual Standards
Type of Entry Without Glasses With Glasses
Navik (GD) Better Eye Worse Eye Better Eye Worse Eye
6/6 6/9 6/6 6/6
Relaxation In Height

Minimum height permitted to a candidate for enrollment in the Indian Coast Guard is 157 cms. Tribal Candidates who pass written exam and PFT are to be granted relaxation in height as follows:

Domicile of Candidate Min height standard after relaxation for induction/ recruitment into Indian Coast Guard as EP (in cms)
Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram,
Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh,
Manipur, Tripura, Garhwal,
Sikkim, local tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Lakshadweep 155

The candidates claiming height relaxation are to submit domicile certificate to the medical Officer. Failure to submit the domicile certificate will lead to non-waiver of height relaxation.


Proportionate to height and age +10 percentage acceptable.


Permanent body tattoos are not permitted on any part of the body. However, certain concessions are permitted to candidates belonging to tribal areas communities as declared by the Govt. of India. For other candidates, permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand. Please click here for tattoo policy regarding recruitment.

  1. Candidates with above medical standards are only to appear for selection. No waiver will be given for above mentioned standards. The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) order on medical standard will be the final authority.

Recruitment Cycle

ICG carries out bi-annual recruitment for Navik (General Duty) as per the following tentative schedule.

Sr Post Application Registration Stage I
Written Exam
Stage II
PFT/ Medical
Stage III /
Induction in Indian Coast Guard
Stage IV /
Original Document Verification
First Batch Cycle
(a) Navik(GD) Sep (Previous Year) Mid Nov (Previous Year) Jan (Next Year) Apr/May (Next Year) Apr/May (Next Year)
Second Batch Cycle
(b) Navik(GD) Jan (Previous Year) Mid Mar (Previous Year) May (Previous Year) Aug/Sep (Previous Year) Aug/Sep (Next Year)

Note: The advertisement for the above recruitment cycle is generally published as follows:

  1. First Batch Cycle- Aug/Sep
  2. Second Batch Cycle- Dec/Jan

Selection Procedure

The selection of candidate is on order of merit list based on their performance in Stage-I, II, III & IV and meeting the laid down medical standards during medical examination and the number of vacancies available for the post. Clearing of Stage-I, II, III, IV and satisfactory performance in training is compulsory for recruitment in ICG. All candidates will be compulsorily subjected to identity check prior commencement of the examination of Stage- I, II, III of CGEPT.

  1. Live Image Capture during Registration – The candidate has also to upload the latest photograph during registration. Additionally, live image of the candidate will be captured during the registration. The facial features of the candidate in the uploaded photo will be matched against the Real-time photo. The candidate will be able to submit the application, only in case of photo match. Moreover, photograph of candidate in application form will be matched with facial features/Physical appearance of the candidate at subsequent Stages.
  2. Biometric –
  3. Signature as uploaded in online application.
  4. Identification mark as mentioned in online application.

The details of various stages of CGEPT examination are as follows: -

Stage- I : (Computer Based Examination).

  1. Valid original Identity proof (Aadhaar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card OR Driving License OR Passport) as submitted/uploaded in online application. The candidates possessing Aadhaar Card are to upload the Aadhaar Card as first option for identity proof while filing the online application.
  2. 01 Coloured printout of E-admit card (black & white print out not allowed).
  3. 02 in no. passport size colour photograph with similar facial features as uploaded in online application.
  4. For SC/ST applicants only: - Original category certificate and 02 photocopy of selfattested SC/ST certificate, original train/bus ticket, cancelled cheque leaf for NEFT payment and travel form downloaded from website for claiming TA.

(b) Biometric Recording: Candidates who clears document verification will undergo biometric recording at Stage-I. The biometric data captured at Stage-I will be verified/recaptured at subsequent stages i.e. Stage-II, Stage-III & Stage-IV.

(c) The candidate has to take following tests depending on post applied:

Sr. No. Post Applied Written Test Passing Marks Remarks
(i) Navik GD Section(I+II) 30 + 20 = 50 (UR/EWS/OBS) 27+17= 44(SC/ST) Passing in section I and II separately is compulsory

(d) The details of various section are as follows:

Sr. No. Name Of Examination Details of Examination Subject wise allocation of Questions Pass Marks Syllabus
(i) Section I Maximum Marks – 60, Time – 45 mins., Total no. of Questions – 60 Maths – 20, Science - 10, English – 15, Reasoning–10, GK – 5 30 (UR/EWS/OBC category), 27 (for SC/ST category) Class 10th Syllabus
(ii) Section II Maximum Marks – 50, Time – 30 mins., Total no. of Questions – 50 Maths – 25, Physics– 25 20 (UR/EWS/ OBC category), 17 (for SC/ST category) Class 12th- Maths & Physics Syllabus

(e) Normalisation of Marks In order to rationalise the marks scored by candidates appearing in different shifts in an objective manner through a statistical method, before declaration of result, marks scored by candidates will be normalised as per the following formula:-

(aa) The question paper for section I & II will be objective type with four options. The candidate has to choose the correct option. There is no negative marking in the written examination test. The detailed syllabus for section I& II is available on ICG website.
(ab) Tie Breaking Rule in Merit - In case of two or more candidates having the same marks in stage I then the tie will be broken in steps as follows (wherever tie is broken next stage will not be proceeded):

(i) Candidate scoring more marks in section –I.
(ii)Candidate scoring more aggregate percentage (upto three decimal places) in Class 12th will be considered by the Recruiting Authority based on marks/ CGPA entered by the applicant/ candidate and aggregate percentage will be calculated on the basis of top five scoring subjects as promulgated by the Board of Education/ University.
(iii)Candidate older in age will be higher in merit.

Based on performance in Computer Based Examination and handling capacity of ICG Recruitment Centres candidates will be shortlisted for Stage-II and provisional E-admit card is issued. To download E-admit card, candidates are required to upload additional documents as mentioned here. Failure to upload additional documents within the time frame promulgated by ICG will lead to cancellation of candidature. The duration of Stage-II is 1-2 days and will be conducted at allocated centre. Stage-II involves following examination which are only qualifying in nature i.e. either provisionally ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’: -

Assessment/Adaptability Test. Biometric verified candidates will undergo OMR based written examination. This test is just qualifying in nature and the marks obtained will not be included in final merit list. The result will be announced after an hour of conduct of examination. Those who qualify this test will only proceed for the next phase of examination i.e. PFT.

(a) Physical Fitness Test Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. All candidates are advised to be in possession of sports rig (Shoe, T-shirt, Trouser etc). The PFT consists of:-

  1. 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes.
  2. 20 Squat ups (Uthak Baithak).
  3. 10 Pushup.

All three test of PFT are to be carried out in continuity without any break. Any break in three tests will lead to failing the PFT.

(b) Document verification (Provisionally Pass/Fail)
The date of issue of all documents has to be the closing date of application or any date prior to closing date of application. The validity of all the uploaded documents has to be as per the respective CGEPT batch advertisement. In case of any mismatch of information provided in the application form, document uploaded (at online application Stage-I and II) and original documents produced for physical verification at Stage-II then the candidature will be cancelled. Any false declaration in the online application will lead to cancellation of candidature. Common reasons for rejection during Document Verification can be checked at Reasons For Rejection --> All information provided in online application has to match with all original documents produced by the candidate like Class 10th /Class 12th /Diploma marksheet/Identity proof (Aadhaar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card OR Driving License OR Passport)/ category certificate/individual subject and aggregate marks/CGPA (as applicable). Any mismatch/inconsistency/error with information provided by the candidate in application form, uploaded document and original documents produced for verification at Stage-II with the documents in respect to “Name, Date of birth, Parent’s name, subject wise marks/CGPA (as applicable), validity of documents, category certificate details etc.” will lead to failure in document verification and the candidature will be cancelled. The date of issue of all documents has to be on or before the closing date of application. The validity of all uploaded documents has to be at least up to 30 Apr 25. Any false declaration in the online application will lead to cancellation of candidature. Common reasons for rejection can be checked at Reasons For Rejection

This test is only of passing marks and will be similar to the written examination at Stage-I. The marks scored in this re-test will have no bearing on the final merit as the merit will be decided only on the written examination of Stage-I. However, if the candidate fails to pass this re-assessment written examination then he will be declared disqualified/ fail and his candidature will be cancelled.

(c) Recruitment Medical Examination. (Provisionally Pass or Fail)
The Medical Officer will assess the candidates for medical fitness as per laid down medical standards and declare them fit/unfit. Candidates declared unfit and who wish to appeal will be referred to any designated appeal medical centre (allocated by ICG). Such candidates are to report to the appeal medical centre within a maximum period of 21 days from the date of recruitment medical examination which has declared them unfit. No other Medical fitness certificate other than that of the specialist opinion in a military hospital is admissible during appeal medical.The appeal medical examination will be considered as final and the candidate will have no right for further appeal at any other or same hospital again.

  1. The schedule in conduct of recruitment medicals may change and may be conjoined with pre-enrolment medicals at any stage as per discretion of recruiting authority, subject to administrative or technical reasons.
  2. Candidates declared fit in recruitment medical examination at Stage-II recruitment centre, may be disqualified in document verification during the further scrutiny of the documents by ICG as the document verification is carried out at multiple stages of recruitment procedure even after the conduct of Stage-II prior publishing the final merit/ result as mentioned in para 13(ak) below.
  3. Non-completion of the medicals (Initial recruitment & appeal) prior four (04) weeks of induction date to the training academy (INS Chilka) may lead to the cancellation of candidature.
  1. Candidate scoring more marks in Section–I.
  2. Candidate older in age will be higher in merit.

The candidates who qualify Stage-I & Stage-II and stands in merit as per the vacancies available will be provisionally shortlisted for training at INS Chilka and will be issued with provisional E-admit card. The duration of Stage-III is 1-2 days. Further, as INS Chilka is a Naval training establishment, verification procedure at training base in vogue are applicable. Stage-III involves following:-

(a) Document Verification (Provisionally ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’).
The date of issue of all documents has to be the closing date of application or any date prior to closing date of application. The validity of all the uploaded documents has to be as per the respective CGEPT batch advertisement. The candidate can ‘fail’ in document verification in Stage-III, even if the candidate is declared pass during document vérification at Stage-II. In case of any mismatch of information provided in the application form, document uploaded (at online application, Stage-I and II) and original documents produced for physical verification at Stage-III then the candidature will be cancelled. Any false declaration in the online application will lead to cancellation of candidature. Common reasons for rejection during Document Vérification can be checked at Reasons For Rejection --> All information provided in online application has to match with all original documents produced by the candidate like Class 10th /Class 12th /Diploma marksheet/Identity proof (Aadhaar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card OR Driving License OR Passport)/Domicile Certificate/category certificate/individual subject and aggregate marks/CGPA (as applicable). Any mismatch/inconsistency/error with information provided by the candidate in application form, uploaded document and original documents produced for verification at Stage-II with the documents in respect to “Name, Date of birth, Parent’s name, subject wise marks/CGPA (as applicable), validity of documents, category certificate details etc.” will lead to failure in document verification and the candidature will be cancelled. The date of issue of all documents has to be on or before the closing date of application. The validity of all uploaded documents has to be at least up to 30 Apr 25. Any false declaration in the online application will lead to cancellation of candidature. Common reasons for rejection can be checked at Reasons For Rejection

(b) Final Recruitment Medicals at INS Chilka
The final recruitment medical examination of all selected candidates will be done at INS Chilka. The conduct of final recruitment medical examination will depend on the time gap between recruitment medical examination conducted during Stage-II recruitment process and date of reporting of candidates at INS Chilka. Candidates declared Unfit during final recruitment medical will be given a chance for appeal, if they so desire at the designated appeal medical centre (INHS Nivarini/INHS Kalyani) within a maximum period of 21 days of being declared unfit. The candidate will travel to the selected Military Hospital and back on their own expense for Appeal Medical Examination.

(c) Submission of original document, police verification and other associated forms
here --> All candidates are to submit original documents, police verification forms and other associated forms along with the E-admit card at Stage-III. Candidates should be in possession of police verification from either place of domicile or place of present residence which should have been obtained after last date of submission of application form. Candidates without verified police verification reports or reports with adverse comments will not be eligible for enrolment. The format for the police verification form can also be downloaded from here.

The candidates undergoing training at INS Chilka are to submit all original documents during Stage-III and verification of all original documents through Boards/Universities/State government will be carried out by Indian Coast Guard. Candidate will be terminated from service if documents are reported as not genuine by respective Boards/Universities/State government.


The basic training for Navik (General Duty) will will be conducted at INS Chilka followed by sea training and professional training in the allotted trade. Branch/ trade will be allocated as per the requirement of service and performance during basic training. Basic training at INS Chilka will cover the following Subjects:
(a) Academic and service subjects.
(b) Sports activities
(c) Outdoor training such as Parade Training, Sailing, Boat Pulling, Swimming, Trekking, Cross- Country, Firing etc.
(d) Service oriented activities including maintenance of equipment, living spaces and training areas etc.

Duration of Training

Navik (General Duty) -16 weeks

  1. On completion of basic training at INS Chilka, the trainee will undergo professional and sea training for a period of 6 months to 2 years or as decided by ICG.
  2. Navik (GD) are liable to be discharged as UNSUITABLE if their progress (including academic) or conduct is unsatisfactory at any time during training. Trainees are also liable to be discharged at any stage of training if their online application or the documents are found to be falsified at the stage of recruitment.


  1. Free ration and clothing as per the existing rules. Free medical treatment for self and family including dependent parents.
  2. Government accommodation for self & family on nominal license fee.
  3. 45 days Earned leave and 08 days Casual leave every year with Leave Travel Concession (LTC) for self, family and dependent parents as per Government rules.
  4. Contributory Pension Scheme and Gratuity on retirement.
  5. Canteen and various loan facilities.
  6. ECHS medical facilities after retirement.
  7. Insurance cover (on contribution) of Rs. 50 lakhs for Enrolled Personnel is applicable.

Note: Benefits are subject to change as per government directives issued from time to time.

Pay and Allowances

Rank Pay
(General Duty)
On joining Indian Coast Guard, you will be placed in Basic pay of Rs. 21700/- (Pay Level-3) plus Dearness Allowance and other allowances based on nature of duty/place of posting as per the prevailing regulations.

Note: Pay and Allowances are subject to change as per government directives issued from time to time.

Career Progression

Enrolled personnel joining ICG as Navik (General Duty) get optimum career progression opportunity for further promotion to the higher ranks. The rank structures and required minimum time period for promotion to next higher rank for Navik (General Duty) is as follows: